Nabors and Beyond Energy Collaborate to Enhance Managed Pressure Drilling
Exclusive supply agreement paves the way for elevated automated managed...
Recent Successes for Major UAE Operator Support International Growth Momentum
Through a recent drilling campaign for a major United Arab Emirates (UAE)...
Integra MPD Express Drills Record-Breaking Well in Delaware Basin
Nabors Integra MPD business is setting a new standard with...
Nabors Setting the PACE for Rig Moves
Sharpening the focus and process for rig moves has delivered...
Nabors Opens Saudi Arabia Headquarters to Drive Regional Growth
World-Class Remote Operations Center to Support Technology Deployments in...
Highlights from the Oman Petroleum & Energy Show 2024
Nabors was proud to participate at the Oman Petroleum & Energy Show...
Integra™ Surface Services | Reimagining Performance Drilling
In the evolving oil and gas operations landscape, safely delivering...
Introducing Nabors SmartGRILL Technology
New “Drill and Grill” offering designed to optimize routine drilling and...
Spotlighting Nabors in Algeria
Renewed activity sparks optimism for the region Nabors was recently...
Nabors Automated Casing Drive System™ Slashes Rig Up/Down Time by 70% in Colombia
Nabors has expanded its Integra™ Tubular Running Services in Colombia,...
Nabors Wins Technical Innovation of the Year at the 2024 Oil & Gas Middle East Awards
Nabors is excited to share its SmartROS® rig automation platform...
Independence Contract Drilling Deploys Nabors Rig Automation Technology to Drive Efficiency
Recently improved weight-to-weight connection times by 34% and reduced...